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Gained 2 lbs. Lean Body Mass

I trained with Eric for about a year. He is an astute listener, adept at tailoring training sessions to

not only meet but exceed each client’s needs and desires. I purposely separate “needs” from

“desires” as although a given trainee will typically have a good grasp on “desires”; the clarity

isn’t always as sharp when it comes to “needs” (remember you are talking about this vessel you

spend all day every day in). By hearing your “desires”, but also seeing your “needs”, Eric helps

you reach beyond pre-set goals; a gift not every trainer has. This became crystal clear in

watching parts of my husband’s sessions which are so radically different from my own, reflecting the radically different desires and needs of our respective bodies.

During COVID I lost the necessary muscle strength needed to keep my knees limber and strong

(a necessity resulting from a jr. high injury); I was starting to feel strange sensations ascending

and descending the staircase in our home. Eric, therefore, tailored my sessions to focus almost

exclusively on this need/desire. From early training in life, I have operated under the

presumption that girls do not lift heavy weights but do higher reps on lighter weights. Through

his tenacious drive, Eric has weaned me off such a fallacy. In fact, I would say my most defining

or memorable moment of training was when he had me doing the leg press at 300 lbs. I have

never – in more than five decades – pressed more than 180lbs!!! Sometimes I can’t stop

laughing at the amount of weight that he has me doing and “amazingly” I’m not bulking up in any undesirable fashion!

Although I still won’t do 300 lbs. by myself, I can lean into Eric’s confidence in me to transcend – from my perspective – the impossible! But not only have the strange sensations disappeared from my knees going up and down our household staircase, I can easily balance on one leg to do various tasks and easily rise from a squat, which is so helpful when working with kids. I long to take what Eric has shown me to an ever-higher level. It needs to be stated that this has all transpired during a very difficult year personally. I can hardly believe that he has helped both me and my husband transcend our respective training goals

amid the chaos.

Because of a dire health condition realized through extensive international travel 22 years ago,

my then employer covered all medical expenses, including treatment by a Chinese doctor.

Eastern medicine teaches one the importance of a healthy gut and trains one to change one’s

lifestyle accordingly (western medicine informed me I would – at best – be crippled for life).

Chinese medicine can be expensive. Long-term disability covered two visits per week for the

first three months and then, once per week for the subsequent three months; being under Dr.

Fan’s care was tantamount to having class instruction. My husband and I remained under her

tutelage for many subsequent years. As part of our continual journey to build on this foundation,

we have incorporated aspects of Eric’s recommendations. For instance, we now utilize “trace

minerals” after a work-out, especially on our fast days, and have incorporated the “Dotfit Over

50 Multi Vitamin” into our supplement routine.

To underscore, as a personal trainer, Eric has helped both Sam and I not just realize but

transcend all personal goals! As a person, I know him to be a man of integrity; someone I can


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