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Hmm, nice things to say about Harrison… Gotta dig deep. Just kidding.

My fitness journey all started when my boss offered to start paying for our team members gym benefits. I went to the gym thinking that I was going to get a simple membership and go and just be by myself for a few hours a week. As a full-time working mom of two, I was feeling a little lost and wanted some quiet time to myself and I thought the gym was a good place to start. I felt like when I started, I was already happy with my health and weight, I wasn’t really upset with the way I looked, in fact, I thought I looked pretty good after having two kids. When I met with Harrison.

initially, he started talking to me about the benefits of investing in professional training and honestly, I reluctantly agreed to meet with him 2 times a week just to see if I liked it. During the first 3 weeks of training, I enjoyed being able to have someone show me how to gym. Harrison was very patient with me (I was very carefree and unmotivated to do anything other than learn how to not look stupid while working out as I had never worked out in a gym before). I started to lose a little weight but nothing too drastic, once I had got the routine down, I sat down with

him and asked him to give me all the information. Essentially, I told him that now that I saw I could actually make it into the gym and enjoyed learning from him I wanted to fully commit to his plan (nutrition, supplements, Cardio, and Exercise) to see how much progress I could actually make with the training sessions I had left.

He helped me set alarms in my phone for everything. When to wake up, when to eat, when to snack and when to take my supplements. I didn’t want to have to think about anything. Being a wife, mom, and director at my job took a lot of my mental capacity and I didn’t want to have to think when adding this new routine into my life. I started to lose weight and gain muscle drastically, my confidence level went through the roof, and Harrison gave me the ability to be more active with my kids and my husband. I was feeling like I had more energy, patience, and mental space to help those around me more and it was awesome. I felt deeper joy and had a clearer mindset. Then, two weeks before I finished my training sessions the unthinkable


My dad was admitted to the hospital and my world felt like it was crashing down around me,

a week later he passed away due to a rare brain condition. My world stopped; I went into full auto-pilot mode. Care for husband, kids, work, husband, kids, work. It was truly a blessing to be able to have the gym as an outlet. It became my safe space where I could be myself and take care of myself. Harrison helped me through not feeling guilty when I fell short of my nutrition goals, he was patient when I was too emotional to work hard but was ready when I came in and wanted to push myself as a distraction. He listened to me vent about things he wasn’t obligated to listen to and he helped teach me how to take care of my body so that in turn I could better take care of others as well.

I will always be thankful for Harrison in my life and know that if I ever need help reaching even higher fitness goals, he will be the one I go to. Harrison has legitimately helped me feel like a superhero. I can race my husband (who has always been in better shape than me) and not get winded, I weigh less than my husband for the first time since high school, I can do leg squats carrying my 7- AND 3-year-old, and I can even lift weights and feel confident working out by myself at the gym. I so far have lost a little over 20 pounds and went down 2-3 sizes under his guidance and plan on creating even loftier fitness goals with him in the future now that, thanks to Harrison, I know I am capable of them.

I highly recommend Harrison for all your training needs Thank you, Harrison, for helping me make a better life for myself even when I didn’t think I could or needed to. Life is so much better now that I have you to help me improve and grow.

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